About the client!
The client is a startup with an amazing mission. They are creating systems and technologies that will help incentivize doctors to focus on keeping people healthy, i.e., Value-Based Care.
The complexity of the solution required a Healthcare focused software development team, and we fit right in.
The solution
The basis of proper Value-Based Care is a very accurate prediction of the costs involved in keeping a population healthy. This requires very accurate and detailed logging of the current and historical health data of each individual in a population and is achieved through HCC codes. However, many healthcare providers find HCC coding very cumbersome and frustrating, and our solution aims to solve this issue.
The solution consists of a mobile application and an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) integrated web portal.
1. HCC coding tool:
The coding tool helps doctors and clinicians choose the most relevant HCC codes for EMR and Population Health Management systems. The tool is offline and not integrated with the EMR. It is only a reference tool powered by natural language processing to suggest the best codes based on the current diagnosis.
2. HCC coding training and certification:
The training and certification module offers a series of quizzes designed to help doctors get a feel for how HCC codes are chosen. Once a user completes their training, there is an option to take a certification exam.
3. EMR integrated HCC coding tool:
The web-based portal can be integrated into any EMR and use all the technology developed by us to make it easy to log codes directly into the EMR. The platform is powered by NLP (Natural Language Processing) and machine learning, with access to all the historical data on the EMR to automatically suggest codes based on a doctor’s progress note.
Tech stack
The mobile applications are built on native technologies. We feel that for this type of client where security and reliability are paramount, native iOS and Android applications provide the best performance and user experience.