The most widely used form of technology in the Healthcare Industry is the Telehealth. Telehealth can be defined as simple as the use of electronic devices such as Computers and Mobile devices to access health care services remotely to manage your health. This rapid adoption of the tele-health has led the Healthcare Industry discover a new domain i.e, the Health-Tech Industry which has opened infinite opportunities of innovative tech-based solutions that assist the Healthcare. This has also led to be more efficient in reaching out to a much larger population with the more efficient model of Value Based Care.
It is about time that we start realizing the future of healthcare through the concept of Telehealth. Telehealth is fueled by digital technologies, which allows us to reimagine the physician visit as a house call without the travel. The idea of the virtual visit is becoming more relevant these days as due to the rapid urbanization coupled with competitive investment in infrastructure has made traffic intense all around the globe. Telehealth lends itself well to both the primary care and specialist, allowing them to further their reach, treating patients wherever there is an Internet connection.
Today, telehealth applications are software-as-a-service (SaaS) and as close as the smartphone; A doctor – and their patient – keep in their pocket or purse. Today’s telehealth platforms no longer require big upfront overhead costs but are part of monthly subscription packages that are as secure and HIPAA-compliant as they are affordable.
Please find below one such AWS-based architecture that uses microservices and realize a highly scalable TeleHealth solution focussing on virtual care:
Please find below the brief working of each AWS service being utilized: